Wednesday, May 26, 2010

An Overview to GYS 2010 : part 1.

Hi guys,

Well, as mentioned in the previous post, Global Youth Symposium 2010 will place the limelight on 3 global issues.

The first one is…

Global Economy & Global Poverty

Imagine this…

While you are wondering what’s for dinner …


Fried chicken?

Something delicious?

….There are people out there who will have to sleep through the night with an empty stomach.

While you are complaining about having to go to school….

….There are people out there who can’t afford to go to school even if they really want to go to

This is an issue that has existed for a long time but sadly, these saddening facts still come exist..

* Almost half the world population live on less than $2.50 a day.

-They can’t even own a pair of proper shoes-

* About 25,000 people die every day of hunger or hunger-related causes, according to the United Nations.

* 640 million children worldwide live without adequate shelter

A huge gap exists between the wealthy and the poor.

A few hundred millionaires now own as much wealth as the world’s poorest 2.5 billion people.

In 2009, according to World Bank, the economic crisis is set to drive 53 million more people into POVERTY

The world map shows the population suffering from hunger, World Food Programme, 2006.

Poverty can lead to many other things such as hunger, illiteracy, diseases and death.

With the advance of technology, wealth, and skills available to us now, maybe we can now finally solve this problem.

So guys, let’s not WAIT.

Do something NOW

Join us now and make a difference to their lives.

Cheers, JY

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