Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A Blast Through the Past.

Hello guys,
oh sorry, i forgot to post about something important.. what is GYS?


[this is a copy-paste article with some modifications]

Global Youth Symposium (GYS) was originally a vision of a young, local undergraduate who was studying in University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. This undergraduate went on to successfully lead the first installation of this project in 2007. This event embraces young people or youths as the focus for the future, thus aiming to accelerate ‘youth empowerment’, by providing a platform for a meeting of young minds around the globe. Its purpose is to challenge youths to come together and discuss issues faced by the world today in an open manner. We can only achieve this aim by setting aside all differences yet recognizing the cultural identity, linguistic diversity and social responsibility as unique in their own respect.

So basically, this is not a "save-the-cheerleader-save-the-world" kinda mission. This is where we, the youth, the future leader, express our thought in order to find the way to curb the issues.
And of course, you don't need to be a superhero (or a cheerleader). We just need you, yourself.


[copy paste... again..]

1. To encourage the meeting of minds of the undergraduates to openly exchange and evaluate viewpoints related to global issues.

2. To promote global co-operation between the participants by celebrating a culture of openmindedness and intellectual discourse.

3. To enhance the level of understanding and respect of different cultures, values, beliefs and religions of the world among the participants.

4. To provide an opportunity for youth to cultivate soft skills be it communication, leadership, management, or networking.

Just to add on something..
Open your Google search engine and type "youth symposium".

See that? We are at the top 2 spot.! Oh ok, it is not like we are trying to brag or something, but we just wanted to show you guys that this symposium is one of the most well-known youth symposium in the world. In other words, this is the best platform for you guys to share your thoughts on how to curb the issues.

Who knows your little voice might change our future?


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